Carboplast Thermoplastic Plates
Carboplast Thermoplastic Plates
Carboplast Thermoplastic Plates are used to limit motion for conditions such as turf toe or hallux rigidis. The plates are easy to fit and the finish can be customized by grinding or heat molding. They have be heated and reformed using convection ovens are a temperature of 400°F for 3-7 minutes.
The plates come in a variety of shapes, sizes and rigidities to meet all patient needs. Guaranteed not to crack or lose its shape after continued use.
Contoured Plates
- Flexible to Rigid
- Sizes: S, M, L, XL (APEX 4006)
Flat Plates
- Flexible to Rigid
- Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL (APEX 4007)
Contoured Mortons Plates, L&R
- Semi-rigid to Rigid (APEX 4008)
Flat Mortons Toe Plates
- Semi-rigid to Rigid (APEX 4009)